Added a New Product (28.12.2010)
We added a new product, the Maklad - Water Mist.
A Product folder (pdf, 65kB) is prepared for download: > here <
New Company Location (21.11.2009)
I am happy to announce our new company location and phone/faxnumber:
MAKLAD innovative Fluid- & Systemtechnik GmbH
Kirchengasse 6
A- 3483 Feuersbrunn
Tel.: +43 (0) 2738 21418
Fax: +43 (0) 2738 21418 10
The mobile number is the same as before: +43 (0) 676 610 85 35
EEP Award 2007 - The Winners (09.12.2007)
Maklad wins the EEP Bronze Award
On 28th of November 2007 the presentation of the prizes happened at the pollutec fair, the biggest environmental fair in france.
Maklad-Fluid won the Bronze Award.
The Silver Award was gained by SkySails from Germany, and the Gold Award by NANOVIS from Switzerland.
Click at the image above or > here < to go to the gallery.
Maklad Fluid is exhibitor at the POLLUTEC fair (07.11.2007)
Maklad at the POLLUTEC fair in Paris
We have a booth at the POLLUTEC fair from 27th to 30th of november 2007:
Hall 5A, Stand Nr. U72, Sector WATER.
EEP Award 2007 - Nomination of the finalists (03.10.2007)
Nomination of the final candidates for the EEP Award 2007
Maklad innovative Fluid- und Systemtechnik GmbH has been chosen on 20th september as one of 10 nominees (and solitary candidate from Austria) from 72 international applications for the EEP Award 2007.
EEP Award 2007 - Nomination of the competitors (03.09.2007)
Innovation in Waste Water Inactivating
The MAKLAD Eco-Lyser Continuous Wastewater-Inactivating-Plant has been nominated by the Austrian Jury for the EEP European Environmental Press Award 2007.
The Austrian Minister for Environment Dr. Josef Pröll and the Vice Governor for Environment of the Austrian Federal State of Lower Austria, D.I. Josef Plank will award the national nomination of this outstanding, innovative Technology during a celebration 19. June 2007 in St. Pölten/Austria.
R.I.O. Innovation Award 2006 (03.11.2006)
Maklad innovative Fluid- und Systemtechnik GmbH received the international R.I.O-Innovationspreis 2006 of the german foundation Kathy Beys (located in Aachen) for the innovative MAKLAD-Injector.
MAKLAD received the tribute award
Source: translated from the Aachen foundation Kathy Beys
"The Aachen Foundation Kathy Beys stands for preserving the Natural Basics of Life.
If we wish to preserve our chances to live and labor for future generations as well, we have to pass our Planet to them somehow intact, by starting where the material exchange between man and nature takes place: in the economy.
Which means, man has to reduce the immense flows of the masses which the developed people’s economies need to put in motion for the creation of their prosperity.
There is no shortage in convincing concepts and statements for a future optimistic, modern and prospering economy.
To bring out these concepts from the niche of experts into the public eye, is the goal of the Aachen Foundation Kathy Beys.
To show that a sustained economy – an R.I.O. economy, which handles it’s resources effectively and intelligently – not only keeps our Planet in balance, but also secures the economy in the long run….. This is the foundation’s goal and link to the R.I.O Innovation Price [……] - the web-portal of the Aachen located foundation Kathy Beys